Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cat tree revised

I wrote a post back in February about my first efforts to buy a cat tree for the Coons. It didn't go very well. I was very unhappy with the Sugar Kitty Gym I ordered. You can read about it here. My husband finally found time to modify the Gym to make it Coon safe. He took out the useless middle condo, which was way too small for them anyway. It is much shorter now, but they seem to really like having it by the kitchen window. It is getting a lot of use, both the top and the condo. So, at least the Coons are happy now. As a  bonus, they use it as a safer route on to the kitchen counter. Which may be good or bad, but that's a topic for another day.

Heath lounges on the modified, and much shorter, cat tree

Friday, July 13, 2012


Having long-haired cats definitely involves grooming. Heath is particularly prone to mats under his elbows and in his britches. This naturally means that he is not fond of grooming, in spite of my constant efforts since he first came home. Cali, on the other hand, adores grooming. She grooms herself frequently, and has the scraggly tail hair to prove it. I've found the easiest way to keep up on trying to keep the Coons mat free is to have brush and comb handy. Grooming tools tend to live on the kitchen desk or the coffee table so I can grab them any time I notice a mat starting when I pet the kitties. Heath does not appreciate my efforts. He lets me brush him, but insists that the problem areas are off limits. Which means I've gotten fast at grabbing my scissors and snipping mats. He will actually bite to tell me off (not hard, usually), bad boy, and then gives me loves to make up for it. Cali comes running when she sees me brushing Heath. Coon princesses love their beauty treatment! Keeping her mat free is much less problem. I start out working on Heath, and end up brushing Cali who insists on hogging my attention. She trades off by grooming my hair for me to get me out of bed in the morning. (I don't appreciate her grooming as much as she does).

Cali is relaxing after a good brushing. 

Heath made good on his escape when Cali butted in.
Do you groom your kitties regularly? How do they like it?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th - We're Back!!

Dear readers, I am so happy to be posting again. The last two months I was doubled up on my graduate classes, and just could not seem to find time to write the blog. I'm back to a "normal", busy schedule, so hopefully we will keep you up to date with Heath and Cali a little more regularly.

The Coon "kittens" are basically all grown up now, and impressive cats they are! It's the 4th of July, and they want to remind our U.S. readers what a scary day this can be for kitties and their canine friends. Heath and Cali don't seem too bothered by the fireworks going off in our neighborhood, but some of their canine buddies are very stressed and even, terrified. Please keep your cats and dogs safely inside tonight. Heath and Cali suggest they hang out in an interior room with some good music turned up loud. Heath really loves his canine brothers, and is hoping the awful noise ends soon, so his best friends will feel better. Stay safe, and have a happy 4th!

I'm talking to you, have a happy 4th and keep your  dogs and kitties safe inside.

Please, fireworks are scary. 

Hang out with a friend.