The Coon kitties celebrated their birthday with a big present. Probably their only birthday present ever. I'll write a review soon, but if you want to know, it came from
Creative Pet Furniture. We're very happy with it. Heath and Cali are both doing so well now. Heath finally has most of his hair grown back in from his surgery in January. He is so beautiful, I'm thinking cat show! I'm not sure when one will be in our area, but I plan to take both kitties when I can. I'll take Cali along, too, at least the first time, and see how she likes it. She is not as adventuresome as Heath. They both went to one show as kittens (where I first saw them). I'm not too worried about Heath, he is confident and likes adventure, so I don't think the lack of showing his first year will be a problem. Cali may prefer to stay home. Adventure awaits!
hanging out on their birthday present! Big enough for Maine Coons |
lounging |
planning his next move |
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